These unique keys are encrypted with a set of master keys that are stored in Azure Key Vault. Each file is encrypted at rest with a unique AES256 key.Files are protected in transit using transport layer security (TLS) encryption.offers 1TB per business user storage space plans.offers 5 GB of personal storage space free of charge, with 100 GB, 1 TB, and 6 TB personal/family storage options available.97 supported languages in Office Online.Can preview hundreds of file types without installing the application used to create the file.Well, there are a few obvious reasons that compel organizations to gravitate towards OneDrive: That being said, the question then is: “Why should organizations and consumers choose to use Microsoft OneDrive over Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box?” However, this “work from anywhere” reality is forcing organizations to surface information to their users in real time, with the ability to immediately respond to requests and secure sensitive content. The concept of remote work has pervaded organizations around the globe, and employees are becoming productive whether they are in the office or on the go. Let’s face it: Gone are the days of going into the office to access company information.

*This blog has been updated from its original publishing to ensure accuracy.*