Windows XP Advanced Options Menu Fix #2: Uninstall previously installed software or driver

Cause 2: System registry is damagedĪnother possible cause for this error is damaged system registry. The most common cause of this error is a certain key piece of software or system driver that is malfuncioning. This error has been known to occur as a result of one or more of the following: Cause 1: Misconfigured software or driver In Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, the error message appears like this (but with the same error code): This is how 0xC000021A appears on a Windows XP system (also for Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems): STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED (Status System Process Terminated).The Windows SubSystem system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005. The error message that can appear on your screen is usually this: STOP: c000021a If these are compromised, Windows stops running and will show this error. These 2 sub-systems are mandatory for Windows to operate. Windows user-mode subsystems are: WinLogon or Client Server-Run Time Subsystem (CSRSS). The 0xC000021A error is a Blue Screen of Death or BSoD error (related: Blue Screen of Death guide) that occurs when a Windows user-mode subsystem is compromised. The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error. The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations.