
Age of wushu kidnapping guide
Age of wushu kidnapping guide

age of wushu kidnapping guide age of wushu kidnapping guide

The game is full pvp, with safe zones being limited to small areas in maps, those safe zones dont work for either criminals, bountied characters or pvp attackers tho. This game features no classes and no level based content (some instances do require a minimum passive level tho), it also introduces the idea of offline players (which sadly failed in implementation but is a thing thats being adressed in expansion after expansion. The player asumes the role of one of said martial artists, picking a storyline (Which will be the main quest that will introduce you to the game). Well, with the upcoming expansion i thought we could discuss this game.īasically is a semi open world (There are exits in big maps to go to a map nearby) sandbox based on the age of wuxia (chinesse martial heroes), it has a strong emphasis on player aligment (basically good/ evil/chaotic all based on your action in game) and and as far as i know is based on a series of books.

Age of wushu kidnapping guide